Republic Ranches, LLC is excited to offer perhaps the largest and finest example of a classic “sand sheet” quail ranch to grace the market in the past 20 years in South Texas. The Palomas Ranch has a rich history, having been the quail hunting destination of three presidents, multiple governors and numerous other dignitaries over the years. Palomas Ranch is in one of the most highly sought after and tightly held areas of the country for ranch land. Few ranches of this size and prestige have ever become available in the area. The property boasts all native grasses, dotted with natural motts of live oaks and native mesquites, creating prime habitat for bobwhite quail and a habitat that supports excellent populations of deer, turkey and dove.
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The ranch is located twelve miles west of Falfurrias and the Brooks County Airport on a paved county road.
Topography and Habitat
The property is located square in the middle of the South Texas Sand Sheet, long known by many to be the best habitat for bobwhite quail in the entire United States. Soils are dominated (over 75 percent of total) by the Nueces fine sand which creates a well-draining topsoil that allows for the native grasses to thrive. This tallgrass grassland is dominated by natives like seacoast bluestem, paspalums, indiangrass and big bluestem native grasses along with a multitude of native forbs which thrive in the sandy soils. Approximately 2,000 acres of the ranch is dominated by thick live oaks of various sizes. Another 6,000 acres is primarily open grassland savannas with live oak motts including very large live oaks. The remaining 6,500 acres is open grasslands with a mix of oaks and mesquites as the primary mott components.
There are multiple playas lakes throughout the property that fill with water during wetter times and form lush grasslands following the wetter periods. These areas provide excellent added wildlife and quail habitat and during some years provide excellent waterfowl hunting. There are also multiple ponds and small lakes on the property that are fed by water wells.
The primary quarry on the ranch is bobwhite quail. The entire ranch is committed to maximizing quail habitat through rotational grazing. The ranch is parceled into 13 separate pastures. Other management practices include annual prescribed burns, discing for forb production and excellent water distribution. These practices coupled with pristine native country provide some of the highest quail production you will find naturally in their home range. During our team’s recent visit for photography purposes, each rig counted over 20 coveys before 10:00 in the morning. Deer hunting is excellent on the ranch although there has been very little pressure on them with the concentrated efforts on quail hunting. The property has pockets of excellent brush on portions of the ranch providing prime deer habitat. With the adage of mature live oaks and drainages, turkey are very plentiful on the ranch. Dove hunting on the ranch is strongly supported by multiple ponds that are fed by water wells, both electric and windmills, and is considered excellent.
The main headquarters is a classic deep South Texas ranch-style lodge with a large and inviting living room and dining room. The breezeways and covered porches in two directions will take guests to two adjacent sleeping quarters with a total of seven separate rooms, each with a private bathroom. There is outstanding landscaping with a swimming pool and well-watered grasses with the lodge settled under large live oaks and anaqua trees. There is also a manager’s home in the same compound along with several sheds/barns for hunting vehicles and related equipment. Further to the north is a ranch operations area with barns, equipment storage, shop, tack room, dog kennels, etc. There are three sets of working pens on the property for cattle. Near the front entrance, there is another camp with three cabins, two of them being recently remodeled.
The ranch sits on the Gulf Coast Aquifer, and most of the water wells are between 100 feet and 150 feet deep. There are seven electric wells that produce between 50–100 GPM, and there are 10 windmills all in good working order.
There are multiple ponds and small lakes throughout the property that are maintained by water wells and multiple potholes that hold water during wetter periods, with some also supplemented by water wells.
Palo Blanco Creek runs through the middle of the property and will hold water during wetter periods. Baluarte Arroyo also runs along the southern boundary of the property.
14,581± Acres | Brooks County, Falfurrias, Texas | Offered at $43,378,475
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Republic Ranches, LLC | | 888.726.2481
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