Get the Strongest Exposure, Marketing and Support

As the market leader in land listing services, the Network delivers the strongest exposure, marketing, and customer support to help you make sales.

The Most Exposure

The Network is the most visited rural real estate listing network on the web. With more than 11 million monthly visits, we offer our sellers and advertisers the strongest exposure in the industry.


More monthly visits
than largest competitor*


The traffic than
the nearest competing

land listing network*

Top Search Rankings

Our network of sites receive the most organic rankings on the 1st page of Google for rural real estate searches**.

Our targeted search engine advertising campaigns on Google and Bing will also help you capture buyers’ attention faster to generate more leads and business.

Multi-Million Marketing Investment

Our multi-million dollar annual investment in digital marketing to drive ongoing growth in traffic to your properties and our network of sites.

Our dynamic digital advertising campaigns engage buyers on Facebook, Instagram, Google, Bing, and thousands of websites.

Strong lead growth

The Strongest Lead Growth

We are committed to driving more qualified leads, website visits, and phone calls your way. We’ve more than doubled our traffic and leads since 2016*** – all to generate more business and revenues for our advertisers, like you.

The Most Cost Effective Solution

On average, our advertisers are paying significantly less per month to get 11X more traffic than our next land listing site competitor****.

Our network’s strong traffic and marketing investment ensure that you receive the best ROI.

The Most Robust Team

The Network team is over 100 members strong, with dedicated professionals in account management, customer service, sales, product development, technology, marketing, and more to make sure you accomplish your business and revenue goals.

Be Part of the Strongest Rural Real Estate Network

* Land Network SimilarWeb Competitive Analysis from 2022-10 to 2023-03
** STAT, Jan. ’20; Google Ads, Jan. – Apr. ’20
*** Internal data, 2016 – 2018.
**** Cost per visit comparison is calculated based on our next land listing site competitor’s comparable listing plan costs and monthly visit data from SEMRush, Jan. ’19.