If you are planning to buy or sell land, it’s essential to know exactly which rights are included. As a landowner, you clearly control the fields, forests, ponds, buildings, and other things on the surface, but what about what’s below ground?
Annika Hipple
12 Best Cities for Outdoor Urban Adventure
Here are our picks for large and mid-sized cities across the U.S. with the most to offer in terms of outdoor adventure.
Best Places to Buy Real Estate Abroad
Buying property overseas can be a smart investment for both personal and financial reasons, but how do you decide where to buy? Here are 10 countries to consider if you’re in the market for international property.
Living with Wildfire
If you’re a landowner in a wildfire-prone area, it’s important to be aware of what you can do to reduce the risk of catastrophic loss and promote natural resource recovery in the event a fire does strike.
Backyard Conservation: Endangered Species & the Role Landowners Play
About half the species listed as endangered or threatened have the majority of their habitat on private lands, giving landowners an essential role in their conservation. Here’s a look at some of the federal programs in place to assist and incent landowners to contribute to species preservation.
Best National Parks In Winter
Winter in the country’s national parks is a special season, with fewer crowds, snow-covered landscapes and a different rhythm of life for the wildlife that calls these scenic places home. Discover the best of the season with our top picks for national parks to visit this winter.
Tips for Photographing Your Ranch or Farm Listing
High-quality photographs are among the most important elements of any land listing. You can use all the beautifully descriptive words in the world, but if your photos don’t show your property at its best, you’ll have a hard time attracting potential buyers.
SEO Hacks For Your Land Real Estate Website
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing your online content so that search engines will show it among the top results for keywords or phrases. It’s an essential tool for landowners wishing to attract potential buyers.
Getting to the Finish Line: Tips for Selling Your Land More Quickly
Some land sells almost immediately; other properties linger on the market for months with minimal interest from potential buyers. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to improve your chances of making a quick and profitable sale.
What You Need to Know About Taxes When Selling Your Land
Selling your land can feel like a daunting undertaking, especially when it comes to taxes. Here are some of the most important tax consequences and potential savings strategies to be aware of if you’re preparing to sell your property.
What You Need to Know When Selling Family Property
Selling family property that you’ve inherited isn’t all that different from selling any other piece of land you own. The hardest part may be deciding what to do with the land, especially if you have an emotional attachment to the property or have inherited it jointly with other family members who all need to agree.
10 Best Fall Outdoor Adventures
It’s a perfect time of year for outdoor activities, from forest hikes to high-desert bike rides to paddling along a rugged shore. Here are our picks for ten of the best adventures across the United States this fall!
Tools for Success: How to Succeed at the Social-Media Game
With so many different platforms available, the idea of establishing and maintaining a social-media presence can be daunting. It’s no use trying to do it all—you’d never have time for anything else. Instead, pick just a few different social-media platforms on which to focus your efforts.
Everything You Need to Know About Conservation Easements
If you’re a landowner seeking to balance land use with conservation, and you want to make sure your vision for your property remains intact beyond your lifetime, consider setting up a conservation easement.