Solar technology helps a Texas couple embrace efficiency and self-sufficiency on their ranch.
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
On Call for Texas Ranchers: Interview with TSCRA President Dr. Richard Thorpe
As an emergency room doctor and a first-generation rancher, Dr. Richard Thorpe offers a unique perspective as president of Texas’s largest livestock organization.
10 Essential Tips for Buying Rural Property
The key to making smart property purchase decisions is to buy based on facts and information, not emotion. This is critically true when looking at making a rural recreational or investment property purchase.
10 Best Management Practices for Running a Profitable Ranch
Some folks purchase rural land for pleasure as much as for profit. Motivated by a dream of running a hunting operation, raising cattle or having their own place to roam, they may forget that the land can help pay for itself.
Buying or Selling Rural Real Estate? Know the Lending Lingo
Whether you are purchasing or selling property, it helps to know the lending lingo.
A Rural Lender is Born: History of the Farm Credit System
The Farm Credit System’s cooperative structure and purpose have not changed in over a century. Having celebrated its centennial in 2016, Farm Credit remains dedicated to the same goals with which it started.
Local Food, Local Ranchers – Texas Style
This holiday season, will the turkey on your table come from Texas? Will your wine be made from West Texas grapes and your sweet potatoes grown in East Texas? And don’t forget Ruby Red grapefruit from the Rio Grande Valley. If you live in the Lone Star State and you prefer food grown here, you’re not […]
Faces of Rural America: Looking at the People Behind the Land
The 2012 Ag Census helps lenders understand producers as diverse as America.
At Home In The Country – Buying Property Outside the Suburbs
Many Americans are looking for the peace and quiet of the rural countryside, but buying and financing a country dream home is not the same as the suburbs.
Find the Right Lender for your Rural Land Purchase
Imagine this: You found your perfect property in the perfect location at a great price. Your offer was accepted, and your loan’s been approved. Soon the place will be yours. Then you get to the closing table and—too late—you learn that your lender failed to do his due diligence, and was not aware of endangered […]
Keep It In The Family
Oh, the excitement you feel the moment you purchase your first piece of land. You’re filled with plans for the place, whether they are to construct a pond or build your dream home. Perhaps you’re imagining ways to attract wildlife to the property or envisioning a custom-designed gate to welcome your future guests. While it’s […]
Put It on Paper: How to Write a Lease for Your Pasture
When leasing pasture, protect yourself with a written agreement.
Don’t Bet the Ranch on the Weather
If you own ranch property in the Lone Star State, you understand this too well. Every county in Texas was plagued by drought at least one out of the last five years. And in 2011, parched pastures led to a historic reduction in Texas cattle numbers, as ranchers reduced their herd size in order to cut their losses.
To Shoot or Not to Shoot: How to Age a Buck on the Hoof
From your perch in a deer blind, you see a buck come into the open. As you excitedly line up your shot, finger on the trigger, you take a moment to watch him. You don’t want to take an immature buck. But you have only seconds to guess his age. Do you shoot?
Shelter from the Storm
Now may be the best time to create a safe haven for your family during a storm—especially if you live in rural Texas.