You may not find many buyers presenting you with a cashier’s check for a small-ticket item, but this method of payment has been considered solid and trustworthy for large-ticket items or from buyers who contact sellers online—until recently.
Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association (TSCRA) offers a broad range of services, including law enforcement, government and public affairs, insurance services, industry news and information on best practices, educational programs, and discounts for ranching supplies and related services to members and the industry.
How to Properly Position Purple Paint to Put Off Trespassers
Reasonable people respect private property rights and would never trespass. But just in case trespassers are tempted to stray onto your land, there are some things you can do as a landowner to indicate your property is yours and entry is only by your invitation.