Santa Margarita Ranch offers a unique opportunity to own one of the finest hunting ranches located in the famed Texas “Golden Triangle”. This turnkey La Salle County ranch is truly unique. There is one± mile of both sides of the Nueces River, great whitetail and exotic hunting and immaculate improvements including an exceptional main home, lodge, foreman’s home and staff house. The ranch has been intensely managed over the past 14 years. The combination of some of the state’s best natural habitat and management expertise has resulted in a trophy whitetail deer herd.
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Tucked away amongst the high fenced, native virgin brush are very nice headquarters. Highlighting the headquarters is an 8,114-square-foot main residence. The main home has three bedrooms and three baths plus features a large 2,500-square-foot trophy room, built as an addition in 2007. The main house includes an exercise room and an apartment above the three-car garage. Surrounding the main home are a stone observation tower, stone and wood pergola, fire ring a 77,000-gallon underground concrete water storage tank. Other sleeping accommodations include a 3,200-square-foot lodge with 10 separate bedrooms, 2,250-square-foot foreman’s home and a 1,300-square-footmanufactured home.
The ranch has great brush diversity along with good natural open areas. The Nueces River has large elm, oak and hackberry trees. Brush species include Blackbrush, Guajillo, Twisted Acacia, Whitebrush, Persimmon, Granjeno, Coma, Guayacon and many more.
The ranch is very well watered. Two water wells supply the headquarters, water troughs and earthen tanks with ample water. The house well was completed in the Laredo Sand at 1,438 feet and perforated at 947 feet. It produces 60 GPM using a 3 HP pump. The water well in the north pasture is in the Carrizo at 4,750 feet and perforated at 3,780 feet and also produces 60 GPM. There is one mile of both sides of the Nueces River traversing the ranch. Six earthen tanks are on the ranch, with the majority supplied by well water.
The ranch has been intensely managed over the past 14 years. The combination of some of the states best natural habitat and intense management have resulted in a trophy whitetail deer herd. With excellent brush and water throughout, these large bucks thrive. According to the latest census, it is believed that there are 325 deer on the ranch. The ranch is separated into three different pastures with the southern 1,600 acres being whitetail focused. The northern pasture has the majority of exotics which include Kudu, Gemsbok, Scimitar-horned Oryx, Black and Blue Wildebeest, Addax, Zebra, Aoudad, Blackbuck, Fallow and Axis. With the river and open grassland areas, the ranch has excellent habitat for turkey, quail and dove as well.
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