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From local wildlife to recreation on your own property, the land lifestyle is unique in every way.

California Drought

This article is featured in the Spring 2022 issue of LAND magazine. Click here to find out more. According to the most recent Census of Agriculture conducted by the US Department of Agriculture, California accounts for 11 percent of the nation’s total agricultural sales. The state’s bounty includes dairy products, beef, produce such as lettuce, tomatoes […]

Brewing Up New Uses for Maple Syrup

My mission was, and is, to find new products to make maple syrup. The maple industry is growing experientially! In 2000, New York made 200,000 gallons of maple syrup. The USDA statistics estimated 820,000 gallons in 2019. The average American only uses a few ounces a year of maple syrup. Yes, to put on pancakes! But, the average American uses large amounts of beer, wine, and alcohol. It came together for me: maple is a sugar; sugar can be used in alcohol. If maple-style beers gain mass appeal, the sales implications for maple producers could be considerable.

Maple syrup vacuum tubing system in front of a sugarhouse

Tuning in to the Symphony of Nature

Turned off by traditional concert venues, Smith took his cello off the ground and into the trees. High up into the trees! He built a hunter’s stand-like wooden platform, and roped it so high up in an Aspen tree that he had to conjure a way to climb up. His solo performance, Music for the Birds, enamored audiences, especially because, they got to watch Smith with cello in hand climb up a rope and carefully position his body and cello on his small platform.

Aspens in Fall

Connecting Books, Land & People

After reviewing students’ design proposals and brainstorming, everyone agreed that Hayden Ranch wasn’t a fit. It was missing one key absolute—a cultural landscape. “It had to be the interaction between people and the land or people in place over time,” explains Vlahos. The right fit would be all about “taking an old place and transitioning it to a new use . . . that could take on a new life that drew community to it.”
Their last stop was Buffalo Peaks Ranch, ten miles outside of the historic mining towns of Alma and Fairplay. Everyone saw the perfect combination of landscape and buildings: High mountain grasslands, surrounded by mountains, a river runs through it and structures for mini libraries and people to gather or enjoy solitude.

Rocky Mountain Land Library, Buffalo Peaks Ranch