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Culturally Modified Trees: Living Sculptures Waiting to be Discovered

Don Wells and his fellow retirees kept seeing oddly bent trees on their weekly hikes in the northern Georgia mountains. They were intrigued with the ancient giants. Wells happened to meet neighbor Elaine Jordan, who wrote a guide book, Indian Trail Trees, after interviewing Native Americans about these trees. He started taking her to the trees and photographing them. Trail Tree’itis hit and suddenly, the retired civil engineer was starting a whole new career.

View of culturally modified tree cross-section

Fantasy Properties Where You Are The Star

Live out your favorite TV shows and movies in these unique properties for sale on Lands of America. Lord of the Rings CARROLL COUNTY | VIRGINIA | $94,900 | PROPERTY ID: 962871 The majestic peaks, fjords and meadows of New Zealand may have subbed in for the fictional lands of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle Earth on the big screen, […]