As they have for the past 33 years, the Texas Big Game Awards celebrate the connection between superlative habitat, responsible hunting and exceptional native wildlife.
Owning Land
Tips and resources for the land owner and property improvement, plus advice and information about wildlife and habitat management, property taxes and more
Guide to Growing a Sustainable Homestead in the Heart of Texas
It lingers in your mind—that image of you living on a homestead in Texas. You’re tending to your garden and collecting chicken eggs. Solar panels power your home. The gentle rainfall overnight settles in your water reuse station so you can spray it on your crops tomorrow. Maybe your kids or the family dog frolic […]
Controlled Burns in Fire Season: A Guide for Landowners
On rural land, especially in dry climates, fire safety is a high priority. While you want to avoid destructive, unexpected wildfires at all costs, there are actually many benefits to using prescribed fires. Also known as controlled burns, these flames are highly useful in managing long-term wildfire risk as well as enhancing property value. Since […]
How to Protect Your Rural Land During the Fall Wildfire Season
Wildfire season ramps up quickly during the summer and fall months. But in addition to preparing for the sudden onset, year-round efforts to reduce wildfire risks on your rural property generally enhances the safety of buildings, livestock, and people. Factors affecting wildfire risks include everything from vegetation to equipment and hay storage. That’s why preparing […]
Understanding Santa Ana Winds: How to Protect Your Land from Fire Risks
As the summer season comes to a close, you may be completing your final harvest or gearing up for fall crop rotation. However, in Southern California, there should be another crucial item at the top of your to-do list: prepping for the Santa Ana winds. With gusts reaching 90 mph, the Santa Ana winds peak […]
Texas Water
Demand for water in Texas is increasing as the supply is decreasing, creating a potentially life, environmental—and economic-altering shortfall, but researchers and innovators are developing promising solutions.
10 Ways to Prepare Your Crops for the Fall Season
From changing leaves to cooler days, fall is a season of transition. For farmers, it is also the time to take stock of your land and prepare your fields for the winter ahead. Even if fall isn’t your heaviest harvest season, that doesn’t mean there is less work to do. Keeping your farm tidy, preserving […]
10 Water Saving & Management Strategies for Rural Landowners
As the summer heat approaches your region, you may be planning your next crop rotation or seasonal patio refresh. But to truly optimize your land, you should also put a detailed irrigation plan at the top of your list. As temperatures rise and days get longer, water evaporates from the soil at a faster rate. […]
5 Ways to Protect Your Land During Upcoming Heatwaves
This summer is shaping up to be one of the hottest on record, with temperatures hitting all-time highs across the country. As you crank up the air conditioner, remember that not only do you and your family need protection from the heat, but your land does, too. The scorching summer sun can be dangerous, so […]
Utilizing Mulching to Retain Soil Moisture
When you invest time and effort into irrigation systems, you want to ensure that water properly soaks into the soil and hydrates your crops. Yet one of the biggest culprits of a dry field is poor soil moisture conservation. From harsh winters to scorching summers, proper plant hydration is key to a healthy harvest. Enter […]
How to Prepare Your Summer Crops for Hot Months Ahead
Phew! As you wipe sweat from your brow and cool off your livestock, just remember—your crops suffer from the heat, too. Extremely high temperatures can impact crop health and growth so much that rising global temperatures could reduce one-third of crop yields by 2050.1 Help set your crops up for success with these tips and […]
How to Prep Your Land for Summer Crops
As longer days and warmer temperatures ring in the summer season, you’re probably looking forward to the next rotation of summer crops. But before jumping into planting, there is work that must be done to ensure a successful harvest. Preparing your field for the season begins before summer is in full swing, and this work […]
6 Ways to Use Your Recreational Land This Summer
Owning undeveloped property is a goldmine opportunity, whether you want to start a farm or invite your friends for an evening of stargazing. Take the phrase “recreational land” literally and build a campsite or dirt bike path. Or start growing a vegetable garden and raising small animals—the choice is yours. Below, we’ll cover six of […]
10 Essential Tips to Get Your Land Ready for Warmer Months
We all know the saying, April showers bring May flowers. But the truth is, without essential summer prep work, spring rain won’t be enough for your farm to bloom. A comprehensive preparatory plan sets your farm up for success. For landowners, optimizing summer crop yields and aesthetic appeal begins long before the warm weather rolls […]
5 Ways to Make Your Landscaping More Eco-Friendly This Summer
You own a beautiful piece of land, and, understandably, you want to keep it that way. But diverse landscapes are home to various flora and fauna that need biodiverse homes to thrive and fill our planet, and not all land care efforts support that. However, with eco-friendly landscaping practices, you can make your home an […]
Private Lands Summit 2024: Water Resilience For The 21st Century
Demand for water is quickly outstripping supply in Texas—and the predicted shortages will have big environmental and economic impacts for the state.
5 Questions about Lone Star Land Steward Awards
In Texas, 95 percent of the land is privately owned. As a result, the bulk of conservation is achieved by private landowners on their land. Because their voluntary stewardship efforts take place behind their fencelines, their efforts are often unnoticed even though the results of their hard work are critical to all Texans
10 Tips for Establishing Your New Farm
So, you’ve bought the land and decided to start a farming business. Crops grow just fine on their own, making your work as easy as harvesting produce and waiting for the profits to roll in, right? Wrong! It is safe that it takes a village to let a farm flourish, with many behind-the-scenes preparations in […]
You Bought the Land: Now What?
Congratulations! You’re the proud owner of your very own land property. This is a big investment and an exciting new chapter, but you may be wondering—where do I start? Navigating newly acquired property is no small feat, especially for a first-time land buyer. You’ll likely have lots of ideas, yet will also be faced with […]
Small Changes, Big Impact
Small changes can have a
big impact—and that is the
mindset the Texas Wildlife
Association’s (TWA) staff and
volunteer leaders carry into
each new year including 2024.