Owning land in Texas means different things to different people. For some who have inherited land, it is an opportunity to maintain their family’s heritage. For others who have recently purchased recreational land, it is a chance to create a legacy of their own.
Owning Land
Tips and resources for the land owner and property improvement, plus advice and information about wildlife and habitat management, property taxes and more
How to Optimize Habitat on Your Land
There is a subtle, but critical difference between optimizing habitat and maximizing habitat.
A Guide to Growing Big Deer
Managing your deer population and wildlife habitat is key to ensuring your deer herd stays healthy and robust.
Should I Get into the Cattle Business?
Here is some expert advice from Texas A&M live stock specialists Rick Machen and Ron Gill about getting into the cattle business.
What You Need to Know When Selling a Farm or Ranch
If you’re considering selling a farm or ranch, there are important tax and financial planning issues of which you need to be aware. We take a detailed look.
How to Manage Brush on Your Land & Rural Property
Written by Greg Simons and Ruben Cantu, Wildlife Biologists | Wildlife Consultants, Inc. “Measure twice, cut once” is good advice for carpenters—and for landowners who are considering brush management. Unlike mown grass that can spring back within days, brush-based habitat can take years to recover from overzealous or poorly planned brush removal. Before you cut, define your objective: […]
On the Vineyard: The Challenges of Managing a Famous California Coastal Vineyard
In the heart of the Santa Maria Valley Wine Country and on the northernmost edge of Santa Barbara County, California, lies the famous Bien Nacido Vineyards.
Is Professional Farmland Management Right For Me?
Written by Tim Cobb There comes a time in the life cycle of agriculture property when it has become fragmented or family asset management has become distant enough that thoughtful owners recognize something needs to change. All too often owners of “family ground” decide, in frustration, that it is easier to potentially split cash than […]
Public Benefits of Private Land in Texas
The public benefits of private land are as diverse and expansive as Texas’ land.
The True Story of Water Usage in Hydraulic Fracturing
Land brokers and real estate agents, among others in Texas, have witnessed first-hand the positive economic impacts of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking), which make it possible for producers to tap vast deposits of natural gas and oil trapped in tight sand and shale formations.
Understanding Water Ownership & Water Rights in Texas
Although the Texas population is expected to double in size by 2050, the state’s water supplies are expected to decrease by 19 percent in that same timeframe.
Habitat Management Practices for Wildlife Valuation
While agricultural tax valuation is fairly common, Texas landowners have a unique opportunity to qualify for wildlife management valuation.
Keep It In The Family
Oh, the excitement you feel the moment you purchase your first piece of land. You’re filled with plans for the place, whether they are to construct a pond or build your dream home. Perhaps you’re imagining ways to attract wildlife to the property or envisioning a custom-designed gate to welcome your future guests. While it’s […]
Put It on Paper: How to Write a Lease for Your Pasture
When leasing pasture, protect yourself with a written agreement.
Understanding the Law of Eminent Domain in Texas
For many landowners, eminent domain isn’t an abstract legal construct, but a force that alters their land and their lives.
How to Run a Commercial Hunting Operation
Running a commercial hunting operation is equal parts outdoor adventure and hospitality.
Section 1031 Is On The Tax Reform Table
There has been a lot of talk about the need to reform our huge and complicated tax code. Like most things in life, the tax code is neither all good nor all bad. As much as we hate taxes, we like many of the things they pay for, such as public schools, highways and national parks.
How to Create Duck Habitat on Your Land
Areas that stay moist for long periods during the year may have potential for duck habitat.
Deer Management 201: The Numbers
The key to preventing habitat damage is figuring out how many deer a piece of land can support without causing any harm to the land or the plants on it.
Understanding Section 1031 Tax Exchanges When Buying Land
Few long-term investments can match land for added income potential and enjoyment.