When COVID-19 prompted a worldwide lockdown, outdoors enthusiast and globe-hopping traveler Khoa Le sought out a new adventure.
Owning Land
Tips and resources for the land owner and property improvement, plus advice and information about wildlife and habitat management, property taxes and more
Maximizing Your Hunting Property
Sitting down with Dr. Grant Woods and discussing land improvements for hunting is like being fed by a firehose. Dr. Woods is a wildlife biologist specializing in deer management and is capable of sharing more knowledge in an hour than most landowners or hunters will accumulate in a lifetime.
Standing on Common Ground
This article is featured in the Summer 2022 issue of Texas LAND magazine. Click here to find out more. Founded in 1985, the Texas Wildlife Association (TWA) focuses on private landowners and their ethical relationship to the land. “In Texas where 95 percent of the land is privately owned, the voluntary stewardship efforts of private landowners […]
Fertilizer, Input Costs & Real Estate
Farmers feel the strain from rising fertilizer costs and grapple with cutting back application and cutting input costs.
WURX: More Than Dirt Movers
As a natural resource construction company, WURX is already a rarity, but the power of the Envision + Design + Build model makes it one-of-a-kind. Under the model, the Western Heritage team heads the Envision and Design phases, while WURX takes lead during the Build phase.
California Drought
This article is featured in the Spring 2022 issue of LAND magazine. Click here to find out more. According to the most recent Census of Agriculture conducted by the US Department of Agriculture, California accounts for 11 percent of the nation’s total agricultural sales. The state’s bounty includes dairy products, beef, produce such as lettuce, tomatoes […]
More Than Big Bucks
The article is featured in the Spring 2022 issue of Texas LAND magazine. Click here to find out more. Yeah, but nothing’s ever gonna top that crazy mule deer of David’s back in 2001,” one hunter tells the others gathered around the post-hunt campfire, vainly attempting to use his fingers and some broken twigs to describe […]
Put Your Land to Good Use
Putting the land into agricultural production or following an approved wildlife management plan can significantly lower property taxes. In many cases, it also can support the ecology of the region.
Conservation Easements: What are They, and Could They be Right for You?
Many Texas landowners face the same dilemma: how do you ensure that the land you love looks the way that it does forever? Using a tool called a conservation easement, landowners can ensure that the integrity of their land remains intact for generations.
Wildlife Partners: Profit in Conservation
No longer just a hobby for the rich, non-native wildlife has found its way into the hands of capitalists. As a result, critically endangered species from across the globe are thriving in private hands. Investors are claiming profits and their actions are saving wildlife for generations to come.
Austin Trophy Whitetails
With a 6,000-square-foot lodge that sleeps up to 24 as well as a private condo, Austin Trophy Whitetails pushes comfort into the realm of luxurious, rustic elegance. Impeccably decorated with an eye to the outdoors, the accommodations feature warm wood, native stone, high-end furnishings and fixtures that showcase artistic taxidermy representing species from around the world from Varner’s personal hunting expeditions. Unique décor, such as bar stools crafted from full-size western saddles, remind guests they are in the heart of the Lone Star State.
Preserving Lifestyles, Livelihoods and Investments
As landowners, cowboys, hands, outfitters, real estate brokers and suppliers, we are all stakeholders in the steeped American tradition of ranching, farming and recreational land use. We would be well served by becoming more aware and more organized ourselves, refuting disinformation, controlling the message and being more engaged in the process.
Tax Relief for Texas Landowners
Take advantage of ag-use valuations to lower your rural property taxes. If you own rural land in the Lone Star State, there are ways to reduce your property tax burden.
Maximizing the Value of Timber Income on Your Property
When owning timber-producing land, one of the most important considerations you can make is how to maximize the income that it generates.
Barndo Basics
Also known as a barn house or barndo, a barndominium is a dual- or multi-purpose structure that encompasses living space and a barn, workshop, or other workspaces under a single roof. Barndos are popular as no-frills buildings on recreational properties—complete with living quarters, a kitchen and even room for a few all-terrain vehicles and tractors.
What You Need to Know About Mineral & Surface Rights on Your Land
If you are planning to buy or sell land, it’s essential to know exactly which rights are included. As a landowner, you clearly control the fields, forests, ponds, buildings, and other things on the surface, but what about what’s below ground?
Property Improvements That Pay Off
Learn how to get more use and enjoyment from your property while increasing its value.
Hunting Heritage 2.0
“The overall goal of Hunting Heritage is educating Texans about wildlife and the role that hunting plays in conservation through wildlife and habitat management,” said David Brimager, TWA’s Director of Public Relations and a Certified Wildlife Biologist®. “Through our new initiative H2, we’re combining our existing long-term programs with several new ones into one focused, integrated effort to educate Texans across the board and help funnel them into the field through mentored hunting opportunities.”