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Owning Land

Tips and resources for the land owner and property improvement, plus advice and information about wildlife and habitat management, property taxes and more

No Land. No Water

The statewide rains in August ensured that Texas, with 75.25 inches, had just enjoyed the wettest 24-month consecutive period in its history. While the life-giving moisture was needed and welcomed, it muddied the memory of 2011, when Texas, with an average of 14.18 inches, struggled to survive its driest year ever.

Is Leasing Your Land for Commercial Hunting a Good Idea? A View from the Field

With hunting season just around the corner, now is the time to put hunting lease agreements in place. Whether it’s an individual or commercial operation, there are pros and cons to each arrangement. Writer Heather Richie went out in the field to join one outfitter for a hunt and learn more about the professional land-lease relationship for landowners.

Leasing Hunting Land Advice: photo from The Last Buffalo quail hunt