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Articles, advice and resources for managing wildlife on your land, including habitat management, deer control and harvesting and wildlife conservation.

Hunting Heritage 2.0

“The overall goal of Hunting Heritage is educating Texans about wildlife and the role that hunting plays in conservation through wildlife and habitat management,” said David Brimager, TWA’s Director of Public Relations and a Certified Wildlife Biologist®. “Through our new initiative H2, we’re combining our existing long-term programs with several new ones into one focused, integrated effort to educate Texans across the board and help funnel them into the field through mentored hunting opportunities.”

TWA Adult Mentored Hunting

COVID-19 Challenges & Silver Linings

Domestically, there are no hunting operations in the U.S. that are fully immune to the impacts of C-19 and a hammered economy. One could surmise that things could have been worse if this C-19 crisis would have hit during the Fall hunting seasons, but none the less, there are some hunting operations that had a large volume of business on their calendar for March, April and May. My business, Wildlife Systems, Inc. (WSI), had roughly 100 hunters scheduled on various hunts from March 15–May 1, and I spent the better part of three weeks sorting out contingency plans with those clients.

Greg with a deer he shot

Wildlife Management 101

I’m extremely fortunate to own, manage and control a respectable tract of leased and deeded ground in the Pacific Northwest. Taken with a laugh, my personal experience hasn’t been learned easily, nor done inexpensively via traditional venues. Private land wildlife management practices are commonly dominated by whitetail deer, a little waterfowl and an occasional fish or upland bird topic.

“Mi Casa Es Su Casa”: 5 Keys to Managing Wildlife in Backyard Habitats

When we think of wildlife management in Texas, we tend to think of large areas, such as ranches and state parks, generally involving charismatic game species such as whitetails, wild turkey, bobwhites and mule deer. However, for those folks who live in the concrete jungles of urban Texas, and even for those who have homes in the more open landscapes of rural Texas, managing wildlife on a micro-scale basis in the backyard of a house can yield amazing and rewarding results, with the principal beneficiaries often being non-game wildlife.

Black Beauty

“When I look at the mount of Black Beauty on the wall, I see all the hard work we’ve put into the ranch and all the ways we have improved
the habitat for wildlife.”

image of deer in field