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Advice and information on where and when to hunt, accessing and managing hunting land, deer and other wildlife hunting tips, guns and gear and more

A Guide to Texas Exotics

They’ve been called a “poor man’s bighorn”. Some taxonomists do not even consider them to be a true sheep, since they also possess morphological traits that are more like a goat, but make no mistake about it, these hardy animals have become a popular quarry for hunters who are looking for a unique and challenging hunting experience.

exotic game animals in texas

Is Leasing Your Land for Commercial Hunting a Good Idea? A View from the Field

With hunting season just around the corner, now is the time to put hunting lease agreements in place. Whether it’s an individual or commercial operation, there are pros and cons to each arrangement. Writer Heather Richie went out in the field to join one outfitter for a hunt and learn more about the professional land-lease relationship for landowners.

Leasing Hunting Land Advice: photo from The Last Buffalo quail hunt

Top Texas Hunting Land

With 97 percent of land in Texas privately owned, most hunting by the estimated 1.1 million Texas hunters takes place on the myriad private ranches and hunting land throughout the state. Texas offers numerous hunting outfitters who will take hunters out on guided hunts for bird and big-game species, as well as exotics, plus many […]

texas hunting land

Ranch Prep for Bowhunters

Preparing for bowhunters is a different challenge than preparing for rifle hunters. For many years I bowhunted almost exclusively and developed keen awareness of archers’ specific needs. Here are some tips to help you meet the needs of any bowhunters who may be hunting on your property. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. —Benjamin […]

bowhunting advice