Running a commercial hunting operation is equal parts outdoor adventure and hospitality.
Advice and information on where and when to hunt, accessing and managing hunting land, deer and other wildlife hunting tips, guns and gear and more
John Ed Stepan: Steward of the Land
John Ed Stephan, of Ranch Investments in San Antonio, has a room full of trophies, a lifetime full of experiences, an abundance of anecdotes and an admirable intellect.
Deer Management 201: The Numbers
The key to preventing habitat damage is figuring out how many deer a piece of land can support without causing any harm to the land or the plants on it.
Safety Education Ethics and the Future of Hunting
The Texas Youth Hunting Program (TYHP) is a multi-faceted outdoor experience designed to produce the next generation of safe, educated, ethical hunters.
To Shoot or Not to Shoot: How to Age a Buck on the Hoof
From your perch in a deer blind, you see a buck come into the open. As you excitedly line up your shot, finger on the trigger, you take a moment to watch him. You don’t want to take an immature buck. But you have only seconds to guess his age. Do you shoot?
Deer Management 101: The Basics
In deer management, the elements of concern are nutrition, age and genetics. When a manager understands the impact of each of these and strikes a balance between them, the result is robust bucks and a healthy deer herd.