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6 Ways to Use Your Recreational Land This Summer

Ways to Use Your Recreational Land This Summer

Ways to Use Your Recreational Land This Summer

Owning undeveloped property is a goldmine opportunity, whether you want to start a farm or invite your friends for an evening of stargazing.

Take the phrase “recreational land” literally and build a campsite or dirt bike path. Or start growing a vegetable garden and raising small animals—the choice is yours.

Below, we’ll cover six of the best ways to get the most out of your recreational plot this summer, from revenue generation to indulging in a private slice of the outdoors. Read along to find the perfect idea you’ve been waiting to explore this summer!

1. Organic Gardens and Small Farms

Undeveloped land is ideal for starting an organic garden or small farm. Which you choose depends on your time commitment, although both need frequent or daily attention.

If you opt for a garden, you likely won’t need to check on it constantly. But you’ll still need to pop by the plot to ensure your plants are healthy. Pest management and water supply monitoring also comprise crucial organic garden maintenance that you may need to plan for.

Creating a Small Farm

Ready for a bigger commitment that puts your parcel’s potential to the test? Use your recreational land to operate a small farm! You can create pasture and barn areas for:

Some of these produce consumables (like milk and eggs!) you can use to enrich your farm-to-table dishes or pocket some side income when you sell to friends. Remember that animals need near-constant monitoring, so you must be available to provide food, water, and medical care.

2. Personal Campground

Another exciting way to invest in your undeveloped property is to turn it into a personal campsite. Whether you have a gorgeous lake view or forests galore, a camping spot is the perfect place to unwind.

Want to rough it out under the stars? Set up a tent pad, a fire ring, and picnic tables. Or, you could also work on adding some infrastructure and amenities, like installing camper hookups or acquiring a permit for a tiny home or cabin and off-grid power systems.

Personal campgrounds are even more fun with extra amenities, such as:

Invite the whole crew for a night under the stars where you can all revel in the outdoors.

3. Hiking and Biking Trails

Speaking of biking and hiking, even if you don’t want to build a campsite, you can focus on creating trails for your family and friends. Scenic areas, including rivers and mountains, work well for walking or biking paths. You can naturally incorporate trails by finding natural paths, removing sticks and brush from the area, and using large logs as trail fencing. 

You can leave the area more like its natural state with dirt trails or even pave a pathway for walking or biking. Save the space for you and your family or friends to explore—or go one step further and open it to the public!

After all, the more people who use the paths, the less maintenance you’ll need to stay on top of to keep them well-marked and visually apparent to those trodding them.

4. Stargazing Observatory

Maybe camping isn’t your (sleeping) bag, and the night sky is more something to marvel at before returning to modern comforts. Either way, creating a dedicated spot to gaze at the cosmos will help you connect with the sky’s wonders better than anything short of a professional setup.

Undeveloped property is often full of untapped stargazing potential. Especially since the further away you are from light pollution, the easier it is to see constellations and meteor showers.1

Invest in a high-quality telescope and make a platform or star-viewing deck to place it. And there you have it—your own observatory.

5. Animal Sanctuary

Amid the growing movement to rehabilitate animals—from kittens to cows—starting an animal sanctuary lets you give back. But before diving into this project, consider two imperative things:

  1. Time commitment
  2. Zoning and permits

Taking care of animals is a full-time job—meaning you, family members, or employees will need around-the-clock availability. And even if you have enough time or people to make that commitment, you’ll need to consult how zoning laws regulate your land use, including what type of buildings and how many animals you can have.2

If you have suitable acreage that meets zoning requirements for animal sanctuary use, starting one may scratch an animal lover’s itch.

6. Hosting Outdoor Gatherings

Want to earn some income from your recreational land? Whether undeveloped or the beautify is enhanced with structures like pavilions or gazebos, turn your beautiful space into an event venue for:

Creating a venue is essentially a business undertaking, so it’s helpful if you have some familiarity with running your own company.

One of the first things to do is apply for the proper zoning permits (unless your plot is already zoned for commercial use).3 After that, you can focus on liability insurance and drafting contracts to help ensure you’re covered for these events.

Find Your Dream Recreational Property With the Pros at

Whether you need to find rural parcels to start your next adventure or you’re ready to sell, our Land Pros are here to help. We connect more than 12 million active buyers and sellers monthly, making it simple to find your outdoor paradise.

With, you can access dozens of agents and hundreds of listings, making buying and selling efficient. Browse our recreational property listings or find a real estate agent in your area today to get started!


  1. NASA. How to Find Good Places to Stargaze.
  2. Best Friends Animal Society. How to Start an Animal Sanctuary.  
  3. LegalZoom. What you should know about zoning laws.
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