This column is part of a regular weekly series highlighting the largest land sales recorded each week through the Lands of America Comparable Sales program. To learn more and participate in the program, or to subscribe, click here.
Congratulations to Blake Behrens with San Angelo-based Behrens Ranch Sales for his sale this week of the 8,026-acre ATA Ranch. The $7.2 million ranch was listed as sold on May 23, 2018, through the Lands of America Comparable Sales program.
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The ATA Ranch has been in the same family since 1928 and is located in an area of predominately larger land holdings where few ranches typically come to market. The ranch is all native pasture that consists of gently rolling hills and mesquite flats. Brush species include cedar, mesquite, agarita and other brush native to the area. There is scattered live oak in the northeast portion of the ranch.
The ATA Ranch is located in an area that has historically produced large white-tailed deer. Additionally, the ranch provides turkey and quail hunting.
About 30 miles west of San Angelo, the ranch sits in an area that demarks the western edge of the Edwards Plateau, the bedrock landscape of much of Texas Hill Country. One of Texas’ least-populated counties, this is where the rolling plains of Hill Country start give way to the more rugged desert landscapes that characterize the West Texas region.
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