spe • cial • ist | spe-sh(ə-)list noun
a person who specializes in a particular occupation, practice or field of study
Dave Harrigan
Ranch Broker
Harrigan Land Company LLC
Bloom where you’re planted”
Where do you live? Sedalia, Colorado.
Where do you work? I’m licensed in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and Oklahoma.
What drew you to ranch and recreational real estate? I was co-founder of a fly-fishing club leasing quality properties, and we had members who wanted to buy recreational ranches, so it was a natural fit. We also own a family ranch, and I’m an avid elk/deer hunter.
What makes the corner of the world where you work special? Some of the most beautiful country in the world
What are the three most important tools in a ranch broker’s kit Honesty, knowledge, modern technology
If you could call anywhere on the planet home, where would it be? Why? Our home in Sedalia, Colorado. My wife and I love it here; it’s home.
What’s the most profound lesson you’ve learned from the land or its people? Land is a great investment, and every ranch has something unique to offer.
Listener or talker? I’m more of a listener.
If you had one extra hour of time per day, how would you use it? Spending time with my family in the high country
Would you rather be without Internet for a week or your phone? Internet
If you could give one sentence advice about how to live life, what would that be? Always be honest, never give up, do what you say you’ll do and give the glory to God.
Describe your perfect work day. Showing a mountain ranch to a client and it being the perfect property for their family
What is your most memorable deal to date? Motherwell Ranch, Colorado, and Moriah Ranch, Wyoming
Learn more about Dave & Harrigan Land Company at HarriganLand.com