This article is featured in the Fall 2021 issue of LAND magazine. Click here to find out more.
spe • cial • ist | spe-sh(ə-)list noun
a person who specializes in a particular occupation, practice or field of study
Eric Lewis
Broker Associate
Keller Williams Black Hills | Lewis Realty

Land isn’t a purchase. It’s an investment.”
Where do you live? I live in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota—one of the last great bastions of freedom!
Where do you work? I have lived, hunted and hiked all over the Black Hills, and now I mainly work in Western South Dakota and Northeast Wyoming.
What drew you to ranch and recreational real estate? I have always been an outdoorsman, and from a young age, I fell in love with everything about the beautiful public lands near my home place in the Black Hills of South Dakota and my mom and stepdad’s ranch in the foothills/badlands of Nebraska.
What makes the corner of the world where you work special? The Black Hills is a little oasis in the middle of the Great Plains—a microcosm of steep spruce and pine-covered peaks, granite outcroppings with pine and aspen in the center of the Black Hills, the southern Black Hills’ wide open vistas and views with a mix of pine and cedar and juniper—the Black Hills has it all!
What are the three most important tools in a ranch broker’s kit? A love for the land, people skills and complete honesty.
If you could call anywhere on the planet home, where would it be? The Black Hills. It’s such a beautiful area with so many outdoor opportunities, and the people are all basically friendly, honest, hardworking, U.S.A.-loving conservatives—each living their lives and letting everyone else live theirs without judgement. Just a great place to be free!
What’s the most profound lesson you’ve learned from the land or its people? Being straightforward and honest, as well as truly loving what you do and where you do it, pays dividends.
Listener or talker? I could probably be a better listener, but I was born with the gift of gab. 🙂
If you had one extra hour of time per day, how would you use it? Two more cups of coffee while I watch the world go by from the seclusion of my covered patio
Would you rather be without Internet for a week or your phone? If I could, I would jettison my phone in a heartbeat.
If you could give one sentence advice about how to live life, what would that be? Live it to the fullest because you only get one shot at it!
Describe your perfect work day. Up early to have some coffee while watching the deer and turkeys. Then hopefully showing a really cool piece of land. Then some family time before hitting the hay early.
What is your most memorable deal to date? They are all special in their own way, but my first big sale was a real milestone for me.
Learn more about Eric & Keller Williams Black Hills | Lewis Realty at LewisRealtyBlackHills.com