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Matt Mann: I am a Land Specialist

spe • cial • ist | spe-sh(ə-)list noun
a person who specializes in a particular occupation, practice or field of study

Matt Mann

Ranch Broker
La Gloria Land Co.

How you do anything is how you do everything”

Where do you live? Friendswood, Texas

Where do you work? My truck mostly!  My areas of expertise are within a 5 hour radius of Houston, where my office is located.

What drew you to ranch and recreational real estate? Ranching and hunting has been a part of my life since I was born; I love people and doing deals, so this is a great fit for me.

What makes the corner of the world where you work special? I love being able to drive one direction and find the best native quail hunting in the nation, and drive another direction to some of the best bays on the gulf coast.

What are the three most important tools in a ranch broker’s kit? Good communication skills, 4-wheel drive and a big relational network

If you could call anywhere on the planet home, where would it be? Why? I’ve traveled the world and loved it, but I’d choose where I live now because of my relationships with my family, church and community.

What’s the most profound lesson you’ve learned from the land or its people? To fully enjoy with friends and family the beauty of what God has created for us to steward

Listener or talker? Listener, you must be a good question asker before you can be a good question answerer.

If you had one extra hour of time per day, how would you use it?  To play or practice baseball with my boys

Would you rather be without Internet for a week or your phone? Internet; I’d go nuts and broke without a phone.

If you could give one sentence advice about how to live life, what would that be? To quote Andy Dufresne from Shawshank Redemption, “Get busy livin’, or get busy dyin’.”

Describe your perfect work day. On the road at 4 A.M.; show a new listing; on the way to a closing in another town, submit an offer on another deal; swing by my ranch by 4 P.M. and sit in a deer blind.

What is your most memorable deal to date? In 2018, I sold over 22,000 acres of Texas farmland, the most complicated deal I’ve closed, and I’m very thankful for the relationships and experience I gained from the transaction.

Learn more about Matt & La Gloria Land Co. at

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