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Suzan Pelloni: I am a Land Specialist

Land Specialist Suzan Pelloni
LAND Winter 2020

This article is featured in the Winter 2020 issue of LAND magazine. Click here to find out more.

spe • cial • ist | spe-sh(ə-)list noun
a person who specializes in a particular occupation, practice or field of study

Suzan Pelloni

Streamline Realty, LLC

The best investment on earth, is earth”

Louis Glickman

Where do you live? Meeker, Colorado

Where do you work? I cover the northwest region of Colorado.

What drew you to ranch and recreational real estate?  I grew up on a ranch in the upper White River Valley. My passion for being outdoors and sharing those experiences with others paired perfectly with real estate.

What makes the corner of the world where you work special? The recreational opportunities in northwest Colorado are phenomenal. If you love the path less traveled, this is the place to be.

What are the three most important tools in a ranch broker’s kit?  A four-seat side-by-side, map programs and a true understanding of the property you are showing

If you could call anywhere on the planet home, where would it be? Why? I am a sixth generation Meeker native, proud to raise the next generation here as well. If I ever run away from home, you’ll find me on a ski slope in southern Switzerland.

What’s the most profound lesson you’ve learned from the land or its people? Land hasn’t changed hands in northwest Colorado that many times since it was first homesteaded. I love being able to share the history of the property and paint the picture of how previous habitants used the land.

Listener or talker? It’s remarkable what you learn when you just listen! Listening leads to great conversations.

If you had one extra hour of time per day, how would you use it? I would spend it curled up under a blanket reading to my children.

Would you rather be without Internet for a week or your phone? I would prefer to be without both! Being out touring a high country property with clients, simply enjoying our surroundings, beats any technology.

If you could give one sentence advice about how to live life, what would that be? Take care of yourself so you can help others.

Describe your perfect work day. Sharing a fall day with clients on a ranch listing, seeing herds of elk and running across a few wild mushrooms to take home for dinner. 

What is your most memorable deal to date? Actually, it would be my own transaction. I purchased the historic building where my great, great grandfather opened his hardware store back in 1923. After an extensive remodel, it will be my new office, adorned with memories of Meeker’s rich history. 

Learn more about Suzan & Streamline Realty, LLC at

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