Mapping Features Available to Network Sellers

When it comes to maps, the Network has you covered. Our platform integrates with the top property mapping platforms out there, along with providing our own custom map overlays and powerful mapping tools. Below are some highlights for you to consider when you are mapping new land listings.

TerraStridePro Map Integration

TerraStridePro maps can easily be displayed in your property listing. These will display in place of the Network mapping features, but give full access to your TerraStride property map right in your listing details.

Watch this video for a mapping video tutorial

MapRight Mapping Integration

MapRight integrates right into the map display on your listing, replacing the Google map that would usually show. The viewer has full use of the MapRight display tools, even allowing a full-screen experience.

The Network Property Boundary Tool enables a buyer to look up your property based on lat/long coordinates or from our map search, not just the provided street address. Network Map Features

The Network platform supports advance mapping features and display right out of the box—giving sellers a diverse array of property location displays, and land buyers a full, rich experience. Included are street maps, parcel maps, terrain maps, topography maps, satellite images, Google earth flyovers, and custom add-in like location markers, all with a defined property boundary.

Lands of America also provides a boundary mapping tool, so you are able to display a highlighted property boundary overlayed onto each of these map types. Helpful for buyers to understand, especially if the property boundaries differ from the parcels that may be shown. It is very easy for any seller to add a property boundary to their listing in the admin panel. This also enables a buyer to look up your property based on lat/long coordinates or from our map search, not just the provided street address.

MyTopo Overlay

image of land, rural landscape, land for saleThe MyTopo map overlay projects your property onto USGS maps and data for accurate topography measurements, sectors, and coordinates for associated USGS data. Natural and cultural features are included, and you are able to zoom into the 1:24,000 (1 inch = 2,000 feet) scale maps, or out to the 1:250,000 (1 inch = about 4 miles), 1:500,000 (1 inch = about 8 miles), and 1:1,000,000 (1 inch = about 16 miles) maps. Depending on the area, you may get a 7.5-minute map shows an area that spans 7.5 minutes of latitude and 7.5 minutes of longitude, named after the most prominent feature in the quadrangle, or a whole area—a county, State, national park, or place of special interest.

Terrain Map

image of land, rural landscape, land for saleView canyons and hills with realistic shading and topography marks, this is a more visual representation of the MyTopo USGS data but with updated road, river, lake, and creek names. A great way to ‘feel’ the terrain with more points of reference than USGS, but without the clutter of a satellite image.

Google Map

image of land, rural landscape, land for saleAll of the features you expect from Google Maps with the added benefit of a highly visible property boundary. Navigate streets, driving directions to the property, highlighted parks, open spaces, National Forests, points-of-interest, and landmarks.

Parcel Maps

image of land, rural landscape, land for saleWith parcels outlined on the map overlay, you can view neighboring parcels, predefined tracts and observe land ownership surrounding your property. Very helpful in understanding property access, easements, and property divisions at a glance.

Satellite Image

For those who just want to see the land, you can observe vegetation cover, property and structure layout, roads and more from a satellite map. This map also features a parcel overlay, and can be shown with or without roads.

Google Earth enabled

image of land, rural landscape, land for saleGive your buyers a ‘fly-over’ experience with our Google Earth property boundary integration. Your property boundary will be overlayed onto a 3D simulated topographical aerial image, allowing viewers to fly through the property topography and experience the land features as if they were in a plane. The Google Earth link is automatically generated with your map, and the property boundaries are overlayed if you draw them onto your listing.

Interior Mapping

image of land, rural landscape, land for sale

Lands of America also integrates with Matterport for interior mapping of homes. Complete 3D walk-throughs, real floor plan maps, and their ‘doll-house view’, a buyer can do a complete walk through tour of your residence from their computer.

The 360-degree virtual tours act just like Google Map’s ‘Street View’, but within the property dwelling. This technology also provides a total realistic blueprint of the interior in a three dimensional floor plan.

Watch this video for a mapping video tutorial

I have found TerraStridePro to be a very useful tool.


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