Some folks purchase rural land for pleasure as much as for profit. Motivated by a dream of running a hunting operation, raising cattle or having their own place to roam, they may forget that the land can help pay for itself.
Grazing as a Habitat Management Tool
Ruben Cantu and Greg Simons of Wildlife Consultants offer an overview of the benefits of livestock and game grazing to improve ranch and farm habitat.
A Guide to Hobby Farming
We take a look at what constitutes a hobby farm and what it means to be a hobby farmer.
Picturesque Barns on Farms and Ranches for Sale Around the U.S.
Whether serving as storage sheds for equipment and grain, shelter for cattle or renovated living spaces in country homes, barns add both function and flavor to the land on which they sit. Here, we roundup eight attractive barns for sale on lands and properties around the United States—from a cattle barn in the shadow of the Rocky […]
Jeffrey Hignight: Personal Journey of Land Management
Hignight brings strong agricultural perspective to his current professional farm manager role at Glaub Farm Management, where he advocates for the land owners and counsels on improving the land.
Eric Wilkinson: Close to Farm & Family
In many ways, Eric Wilkinson never left the farm. The Kankakee, Illinois farm manager has fond memories of his childhood, working alongside his father, grandfather and siblings on the small family livestock and grain farm near Mazon, Illinois.
Merrill E. Swanson: Love of the Land
Growing up on the family farm in the upper coastal bend of Texas, hunting for quail and arrowheads were two of Merrill Swanson’s favorite pastimes.
ASFRMA Member Profile: Corey Prins
One of Corey Prins’ fondest memories growing up on the small family farm near Edgerton, Minnesota, was the hours he spent in the tractor. As the eldest son, Prins had a lot of responsibility and was delighted when his father, Lloyd, delegated crop responsibilities to him in his teen years.
Farm-to-Table Just A Way of Life in Charlottesville
Charlottesville is consistently lauded for its diverse culinary offerings, having received accolades in various publications like The Washington Post and Wine Magazine.
ASFMRA Member Profile: Eddie Davis of Brown Land and Farm Management, LLC
By the time Eddie Davis was 26 years old, he was farm manager of the Louisiana Delta Plantation, a 34,000-acre diversified farming operation near Jonesville, Louisiana in Catahoula Parish.
Faces of Rural America: Looking at the People Behind the Land
The 2012 Ag Census helps lenders understand producers as diverse as America.
Should I Get into the Cattle Business?
Here is some expert advice from Texas A&M live stock specialists Rick Machen and Ron Gill about getting into the cattle business.
What You Need to Know When Selling a Farm or Ranch
If you’re considering selling a farm or ranch, there are important tax and financial planning issues of which you need to be aware. We take a detailed look.
Is Professional Farmland Management Right For Me?
Written by Tim Cobb There comes a time in the life cycle of agriculture property when it has become fragmented or family asset management has become distant enough that thoughtful owners recognize something needs to change. All too often owners of “family ground” decide, in frustration, that it is easier to potentially split cash than […]
Spring 2015: Regional Land Value Report
A look a regional farm and land values for spring 2016
Put It on Paper: How to Write a Lease for Your Pasture
When leasing pasture, protect yourself with a written agreement.
Farmland Values and Regional Marketplace Trends
With farmland values rising consistently over the past 10 years, and exploding in some us regions such as the corn belt and northern plains over the past five, this investment class has generated considerable interest, to say the least. There is a lot of speculation about where land values go from here. Given the diverse […]