Sitting down with Dr. Grant Woods and discussing land improvements for hunting is like being fed by a firehose. Dr. Woods is a wildlife biologist specializing in deer management and is capable of sharing more knowledge in an hour than most landowners or hunters will accumulate in a lifetime.
habitat management
Chasing Blues Through the Texas Chaparral
Blue quail do not observe the finer gamebird principles as bobwhites; rather, they are more rogue and prone to run like members of a gang
who are scattering from law dogs.
“Mi Casa Es Su Casa”: 5 Keys to Managing Wildlife in Backyard Habitats
When we think of wildlife management in Texas, we tend to think of large areas, such as ranches and state parks, generally involving charismatic game species such as whitetails, wild turkey, bobwhites and mule deer. However, for those folks who live in the concrete jungles of urban Texas, and even for those who have homes in the more open landscapes of rural Texas, managing wildlife on a micro-scale basis in the backyard of a house can yield amazing and rewarding results, with the principal beneficiaries often being non-game wildlife.
Don’t Shoot!: How Small Critters Improve the Country Lifestyle
Few people feel that small mammals like skunk, opossum and armadillo improve country lifestyle; but before you load the shotgun or set the trap, let’s look at what these animals contribute.
How to Create Artificial Cover for Bats, Birds & Bass on Your Land
Food, cover, water, and space are the basic habitat components that are central to the health of all wildlife species. Though perhaps not as sexy as food or water, cover requirements for wildlife are often the weak links in the habitat equation for various wildlife.
Slow Soak: Guide to Managing Water on Your Land
“Anything we can do to slow runoff down gives us more of a chance to soak it into the ground,” says Kyle Wright, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services water quality specialist for Texas.
Grazing as a Habitat Management Tool
Ruben Cantu and Greg Simons of Wildlife Consultants offer an overview of the benefits of livestock and game grazing to improve ranch and farm habitat.