Although the Texas population is expected to double in size by 2050, the state’s water supplies are expected to decrease by 19 percent in that same timeframe.
TEXAS LAND magazine
Read our archive of articles and advice from Texas LAND Magazine, a quarterly publication focused on the people, places and land of the Lone Star State.
The True Story of Water Usage in Hydraulic Fracturing
Land brokers and real estate agents, among others in Texas, have witnessed first-hand the positive economic impacts of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (fracking), which make it possible for producers to tap vast deposits of natural gas and oil trapped in tight sand and shale formations.
Broker Spotlight: Republic Ranches’ Charles Davidson
Love of the land is encoded in Charles Davidson’s DNA.
Habitat Management Practices for Wildlife Valuation
While agricultural tax valuation is fairly common, Texas landowners have a unique opportunity to qualify for wildlife management valuation.
Keep It In The Family
Oh, the excitement you feel the moment you purchase your first piece of land. You’re filled with plans for the place, whether they are to construct a pond or build your dream home. Perhaps you’re imagining ways to attract wildlife to the property or envisioning a custom-designed gate to welcome your future guests. While it’s […]
Understanding the Law of Eminent Domain in Texas
For many landowners, eminent domain isn’t an abstract legal construct, but a force that alters their land and their lives.
Broker Spotlight: Trip duPerier’s Kevin Meier and Trey Hallmark
Trey Hallmark and Kevin Meier have worked with—and learned from—Trip duPerier for more than a decade.
Women of the Land
They come to women of the land from different places… And, yet when the conversation begins to flow, the women find themselves on firm common ground.
Sleeping in the Country
Nothing is more peaceful than sleeping in the country. Nocturnal insects, birds, amphibians and mammals come to life and unite in a chorus of individual notes. The comforting symphony serves as a reminder that we are not alone.
Safety Education Ethics and the Future of Hunting
The Texas Youth Hunting Program (TYHP) is a multi-faceted outdoor experience designed to produce the next generation of safe, educated, ethical hunters.
How to Create Duck Habitat on Your Land
Areas that stay moist for long periods during the year may have potential for duck habitat.
In the Spotlight: Dr. Paul and Toni Burns
Two seemingly ordinary moments inspired the couple to restore their Brown County ranch, a piece of property that has been in Paul’s family since 1873 to its pre-settlement condition.
John Ed Stepan: Steward of the Land
John Ed Stephan, of Ranch Investments in San Antonio, has a room full of trophies, a lifetime full of experiences, an abundance of anecdotes and an admirable intellect.
Restoring Native Plants on Rangelands
Hunting and wildlife have become an increasingly important source of both income and recreation on ranches across Texas. As landowners have sought ways to maximize wildlife habitat, restoring rangeland with native plants and grasses have garnered a growing amount of attention.
Kings of the Mountain: Interview with James & Tammy King
What do you do when your life derives from a legend? You listen to that legacy. Add in your own flavor. Stand at the top of your own mountain. And, share it with the world. James King, great, great, great grandson of the legendary Captain Richard King, founder of the King Ranch, is doing just that.
Don’t Bet the Ranch on the Weather
If you own ranch property in the Lone Star State, you understand this too well. Every county in Texas was plagued by drought at least one out of the last five years. And in 2011, parched pastures led to a historic reduction in Texas cattle numbers, as ranchers reduced their herd size in order to cut their losses.
1-D-1 Valuation – Tax Breaks for Wildlife Habitat
Ruben Cantu and Greg Simons of Wildlife Consultants offer their expert advice on 1-d-1 valuations and implications for property and land owners’ taxes.
Understanding Rural Property Taxes in Texas
Expert advice regarding rural property taxes in Texas