No longer just a hobby for the rich, non-native wildlife has found its way into the hands of capitalists. As a result, critically endangered species from across the globe are thriving in private hands. Investors are claiming profits and their actions are saving wildlife for generations to come.
wildlife management
Small Acreage, Big Impact for Wildlife
“From the agency’s perspective, size doesn’t matter when it comes to technical guidance or cost-share programs,” Siegmund said. “All landowners receive our best information for managing their properties, and cost-share money is awarded on the merit of the project, not on the size of the acreage.”
COVID-19 Challenges & Silver Linings
Domestically, there are no hunting operations in the U.S. that are fully immune to the impacts of C-19 and a hammered economy. One could surmise that things could have been worse if this C-19 crisis would have hit during the Fall hunting seasons, but none the less, there are some hunting operations that had a large volume of business on their calendar for March, April and May. My business, Wildlife Systems, Inc. (WSI), had roughly 100 hunters scheduled on various hunts from March 15–May 1, and I spent the better part of three weeks sorting out contingency plans with those clients.
Wildlife Management 101
I’m extremely fortunate to own, manage and control a respectable tract of leased and deeded ground in the Pacific Northwest. Taken with a laugh, my personal experience hasn’t been learned easily, nor done inexpensively via traditional venues. Private land wildlife management practices are commonly dominated by whitetail deer, a little waterfowl and an occasional fish or upland bird topic.
Chasing Blues Through the Texas Chaparral
Blue quail do not observe the finer gamebird principles as bobwhites; rather, they are more rogue and prone to run like members of a gang
who are scattering from law dogs.
“Mi Casa Es Su Casa”: 5 Keys to Managing Wildlife in Backyard Habitats
When we think of wildlife management in Texas, we tend to think of large areas, such as ranches and state parks, generally involving charismatic game species such as whitetails, wild turkey, bobwhites and mule deer. However, for those folks who live in the concrete jungles of urban Texas, and even for those who have homes in the more open landscapes of rural Texas, managing wildlife on a micro-scale basis in the backyard of a house can yield amazing and rewarding results, with the principal beneficiaries often being non-game wildlife.
Black Beauty
“When I look at the mount of Black Beauty on the wall, I see all the hard work we’ve put into the ranch and all the ways we have improved
the habitat for wildlife.”
Destination Spotlight: National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa
The Museum & Aquarium’s vision is to become the world’s leader in interpreting and protecting the life, history and culture of our rivers, to create a more global, knowledgeable and engaged citizen.
Griffin & Howe Converts an Old Dairy Farm into the Shooting Grounds of the Future
Irwin Greenstein, publisher of Shotgun Life, takes in the expansive renovations and improvements undertaken by America shotgun-maker Griffin & Howe at New Jersey’s Hudson Farm Club, one of the most attractive shooting layouts in the country.